Friday, 19 August 2011


Yes, dear friends, we have finally moved and settled-in to our new home in the East Midlands and what a journey it has been!
It took forever to find a home to move to, and although we visited many wee towns and villages, it was difficult to find one with much availability - after all - who would want to leave such beautiful surroundings? But eventually we were successful in finding a place to live in charming Uppingham.
Would you like to learn more about it? Here is a video highlighting the county and Uppingham.

Our home is a modern built cottage that has kept its charm in being built to look like an older cottage. So we enjoy the energy efficiency found in new home construction with the period charm of an older home.

Lots has been unpacked but there is still a lot to do. We have moved from a home that had a lot of storage built-in to a home with very limited storage. So we have been busy filling the gap buying things we need to make our house a home.
I have found a chest of drawers to rework with some paining magic and an IKEA bookcase to transform into a linen closet. And more to come!
A view down the High Street from Market Square
Market Square at Night

We love being part of a small town and have begun getting to know some of our neighbours. In coming posts I will highlight some of them and their businesses in town.

We are just now beginning to tackle some of the outdoors with a concentration on the front garden.
Let's just say it is a 'natural' garden right now, filled with lovely wildflowers in the form of weeds, sharing the bit of earth with plants which no longer can be seen!
We are trying to get it weeded and then plan on planting lavender because it takes care of itself and comes up every year and looks and smells divine.
A bit of spring bulbs should also be planted as well as some hydrangea and peonies.
In the back garden, I would like to plant some lilacs and lily-of-the-valley.
If you know any good sources for any of these plants, please share!

So it is a happy post this time with many more to come.
Please leave a note to let me know you are still stopping by - and accept my apologises for the lack of posts in ever-so-long.